Merger Support for National Grocery Store Chain

In preparation for a merger and to meet current communications needs, the grocery store chain chose to implement a Cisco Unified Communications (UC) System across 1364 retail locations and 108 backstage locations.

Cisco’s primary role is project management, system design, and system delivery. CompuCom has been brought on as subcontractor to survey and install equipment at all store locations.


Installation of UC systems for a national retail chain is complex. The installation included additional complexities related to its current infrastructure and its pending merger with another national retail chain, Albertsons. The UC project began prior to the completion of a separate network infrastructure upgrade project called Retail Network Refresh (RNR). The fact that the RNR project was not complete caused complications in the design process and delayed the UC project implementation. Additionally, the pending merger made for an atmosphere at the grocery store that was risk averse and slow in decision making, further slowing progress on the UC project. Cisco’s challenge was to develop a design and install the UC system by the contract deadline despite changing priorities from its customer, changing infrastructure related to the RNR project, and persistent delays in system design decisions. Additionally, difficulties with the RNR project and initial problems with Cisco’s and CompuCom’s delivery on the UC project led to skepticism among the grocery store’s decision makers regarding the ability to deliver a functional system within budget and schedule constraints. An outside advisor was requested to help turn the project around as the three parties were having trouble aligning accountability.

Solution & Delivery

Cisco engaged Clarendon Partners to perform project turn-around and quality control services for the UC project. The goal was to identify process obstacles and develop solutions to overcome those obstacles in an effort to get the project completed on time and on budget. Specific tasks included:

  • Evaluate client, vendor and subcontractor processes and procedures and identify potential problem areas that would hinder timely project completion.

  • Develop and propose potential solutions for identified problem areas.

  • Advocate for implementation of improved processes and procedures with all parties.

Impact & Value

  • Streamlined Cisco’s change request development and presentation to the customer.

  • Developed comprehensive project management structure resulting in stable, scalable support for 5-month installation process.

  • Focused communications between vendor, subcontractors, and customer. Synchronized team activities and ensured project met milestones and timelines.


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